Showing posts with label #drpreetisharma #microbiology#. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #drpreetisharma #microbiology#. Show all posts

Friday 28 July 2023


FMGE June 2022 Micro

Q1. Which among the following methods is used to sterilize a glass petri dish?

 1.Autoclaving at 121 degree celsius for 30-60 minutes

 2.Hot air oven at 160 degree Celsius for 120 minutes or less            (- ans)

 3.Autoclaving at 134 degree Celsius for 3 minutes

 4.Hot air oven at 121 degrees Celsius for 30-60 minutes

Q2. Which of the following is specifically found in gram-negative bacteria?



3.Lipopolysaccharide                      - ANS    



FMGE 2019 Micro

Q3. Sporulation occurs in which phase of bacterial growth curve:

1.Stationary phase         -ANS

 2.Lag phase 

3.Log phase

 4.Decline phase

FMGE 2018 Micro

Q4. Biological indicator for determining efficacy of autoclaving is?

1.Pseudomonas aeruginosa

 2.Clostridium perfringenes  

3.Bacillus stearothermophilus          -ANS

4.Salmonella typhi

Q5. Stain used in staining fungal elements

1.Acid fast stain 

2.Gram stain 

3.Methenamine silver         - ANS

4.All of the above

Q6. A farmer presents with a warty cutaneous growth on his foot. Histopathological image of the growth is given below. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? 



3.Chromoblastomycosis              -Ans.  FMGE June 2022 Micro 


Q7. A farmer presents with a swollen foot and multiple sinuses as shown in the below image. What is the most likely diagnosis? 

1.Mycetoma             -   Ans. 

 2.Squamous cell carcinoma



FMGE DEC 2021 Micro

Q8.  A 24 year old woman presents with pruritic hypopigmented macules and confluent patches over the chest. Skin scraping and KOH preparation show an abundance of yeast-like cells and short branches filaments like a ‘Spaghetti and meatball appearance’ as shown in the image below. What is the most likely organism? 

1.Malassezia                  -ANS




FMGE Aug 2020 Micro

Q9.  An AIDS-positive patient came with a history of fever, vomiting, and meningismus . Which of the following tests help in the rapid diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis? 

1.India ink preparation of CSF

 2.Blood culture 


4.Blood lateral flow assay for cryptococcal antigen                -Ans. 

FMGE Jan 2023

Q1O. Which of the following dimorphic fungi causes subcutaneous mycosis? 

1.Sporothrix schenckii             -ANS 

 2.Histoplasma capsulatum

 3.Blastomyces dermatitidis

4.Penicilliosis marneffei


  ANATOMICAL  POSITION: -    It is defined as  standing up straight and facing forward with the arms to the side and the palms facing forwar...